Picture of the palm of a hand in the stop pose on a Facebook-blue coloured key on a computer keyboard

Australian researchers are calling on Facebook to boost its consultation with minority groups and better train its in-house moderators in response to online hate speech in the Asia Pacific region.

5 July 2021

Facebook has joined forces with Australian university experts to devise policy that better manages online harmful content and hate speech in the Asia-Pacific region.

29 May 2019

Four University of Queensland researchers have been admitted to The Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) in recognition of their outstand research contributions to their areas of disciplines.

14 September 2017

As controversy continues to unfold at the White House, experts from The University of Queensland are available to comment on various aspects of Donald Trump’s presidency.

24 February 2017
Australia Awards Fellowship-PNG recipients

It’s the end of a long journey for twenty women from Papua New Guinea who will graduate from The University of Queensland today.

21 July 2015
Katharine Gelber: Discrimination risk

Australia is at risk of an increase in discrimination, a University of Queensland Professor warns.

15 November 2013

Freedom of speech is a vital democratic liberty that many of us take for granted, with most Australians firmly believing that they have, and that they should have the right to free speech.

17 September 2012

Associate Professor Katharine Gelber, from UQ's School of Political Science and International Studies, has been awarded the Sydney PEN Keneally Award for her contribution to the Protection of the Freedom of Expression.

15 November 2011

UQ's performance in the highly competitive Australian Research Council (ARC) funding arena has gone from strength to strength with the announcement of successful Future Fellowships and Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) yesterday (...

15 November 2011

A UQ PhD scholarship is on offer for an outstanding student interested in Indigenous policy.

6 December 2010