A popular fashion show and creative showcase is returning this August, organised by UQ medical students fundraising to buy medical equipment for developing countries.

13 August 2012
UQ student Will Anderson studied the work of Nobel Prize winning chemist, Dr Akira Suzuki, who he will soon meet at an international conference.

While completing his undergraduate degree in chemistry at The University of Queensland (UQ), Will Anderson studied the work of Nobel Prize winning chemist, Dr Akira Suzuki.

24 February 2012

Visionary philanthropist Mr Andrew Brice and a mainstay of quality current affairs journalism on Australian television screens for more than 40 years Mr Kerry O’Brien will each receive honorary doctorates during UQ's December 7–16 graduation period.

5 December 2011

UQ's performance in the highly competitive Australian Research Council (ARC) funding arena has gone from strength to strength with the announcement of successful Future Fellowships and Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) yesterday (...

15 November 2011

Staff who helped The University of Queensland recover rapidly from flood mode to normal business operations this year are among 65 people recognised as “Miracle Workers” at a special ceremony today, September 29.

27 September 2011
The Northern Territory is one of Australia's most popular tourist destinations. Image Cameron McCool

An international expert has highlighted the importance of the Chinese tourism market at a recent symposium hosted by The University of Queensland.

20 June 2011

A labour law expert from The University of Queensland (UQ) is lending his expertise to a significant collective bargaining rights case in Canada.

24 November 2010
Sideshow alley at the famous Brisbane Ekka

UQ journalism students will report the fun, sights and stories of the 2010 Brisbane Exhibition alongside Nine News television professionals.

19 July 2010

In a first for The University of Queensland School of Journalism and Communication Indigenous Voice project, student stories are being broadcast across the United States on the National Native News radio program.

7 July 2010

The University of Queensland has been recognised for teaching excellence with six Australian Learning and Teaching Council citations.

20 July 2009

A group of PhD students from UQ’s School of Physical Sciences have sparked a new network of young researchers interested in optical and laser sciences.

2 December 2008

The University of Queensland Boat Club (UQBC) are set for grand representation on the international stage this year following announcements for the Senior Olympic team and the Australian Under 23 and Junior teams.

28 April 2008

A University of Queensland researcher has received a $408 800 grant from the prestigious international Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP).

6 July 2007

Queensland’s Sunshine Coast this week is being invaded by leaders in the field of quantum atom optics from around the world.

16 May 2007

Festive season celebrations can significantly increase the odds of upset tummies or even serious illness for the favourite family pet.

15 December 2006

With the coming of summer, veterinarians from UQ`s Small Animal Clinic and Teaching Hospital have been inundated with pets suffering from tick paralysis.

20 November 2006

Theatrical producers are used to the harsh words of the critics but one Australian producer is not just expecting criticism from her audience, she is encouraging it.

2 June 2006

A pioneering University of Queensland (UQ) research project will help children and teenagers overcome anxiety.

23 May 2006

A University of Queensland veterinary surgery and anaesthesia seminar will be held in Toowoomba on Saturday, May 27.

16 May 2006

Head of School, Professor Lloyd Reeve-Johnson has announced that the School of Veterinary Science has appointed two new Professors bringing the total to three since he was appointed in March last year.

27 February 2006