Soccer ball in goal

University of Queensland scientists have developed a model that gives soccer players their best chance of kicking a penalty goal.

12 December 2022
Image by Nick Wiebe

A soccer player’s performance on the field is determined by their skill rather than their athletic ability, researchers from The University of Queensland have found.

29 November 2017

The University of Queensland has recognised staff members and teams in the 2017 UQ Awards for Excellence.

7 June 2017
Daylight savings could save koalas

A University of Queensland-led study has found that adopting daylight saving time in South-East Queensland could help koala conservation.

23 November 2016
Robbie Wilson’s research will enhance understanding of how native species cope with changing natural environments

The Australian Research Council has awarded five new Future Fellows at The University of Queensland, from a total of only 50 awarded across the nation.

16 December 2015
UQ researchers studied quolls to better understand the dynamics of movement. Credit: Skye Cameron

Trading maximum speed for manoeuvrability may be essential to surviving a run-in with a predator, a new study shows.

9 February 2015
Photo by Dave Wilson.

UQ researchers have found that sexiness doesn’t have to be a burden, at least not if you’re a male threadfin rainbowfish.

18 April 2013

Researchers from The University of Queensland have discovered whilst male fiddler crabs will fight for females and territories, they are prepared to lie about their fighting ability where they can get away with it.

14 May 2012

It’s official – people are at their most deceptive not only when benefits outweigh the costs but when the risk of detection is low, according to a UQ study.

11 October 2011
UQ’s top teachers were presented with their awards at Customs House this week

A DIVERSE group of academics united by a passion for teaching was last night recognised at the 2010 University of Queensland Excellence in Teaching & Learning Awards.

2 November 2010

The University of Queensland has honoured its outstanding teachers and education programs at its 9th UQ Excellence in Teaching & Learning Awards at Customs House tonight.

2 November 2009
Photo: Anthony O'Toole

A study conducted at UQ's Moreton Bay Research Station has found, when it comes to crayfish, size really does matter.

25 March 2009
Dr Robbie Wilson (centre) and students Eddie White and Estelle Van Der Linde with dung beetle collection kits

Dung beetles are renowned for their smelly habitats, yet these little creatures could hold the key to South East Queensland’s changing biodiversity, according to new UQ research.

25 March 2009

UQ Master of Science student Maren Dammann is aiming to uncover what makes a koala's wish list when it comes to choosing a place to live.

11 March 2009