Professor David Craik portrait

An internationally-recognised scientist is among an extensive list of University of Queensland representatives who have been named on the King’s Birthday Honours List this year.

12 June 2023

A promising treatment for inflammatory bowel disease and a pre-clinical drug candidate for a devastating neurological condition are among four UQ research projects to receive support from Australia’s national biotech incubator - CUREator.

24 May 2023
Headshot of man smiling

A University of Queensland medical student has been awarded a prestigious fellowship to research the debilitating nervous system disorder, Parkinson's Disease.

27 September 2021

A champion for professional sportswomen and a pioneer for healthcare reform are among members of The University of Queensland community recognised with Queen’s Birthday Honours.

14 June 2021
Tony Albert, Laurie Nilsen, Megan Cope, Gordon Hookey, Jennifer Herd, Vernon Ah Kee, and Richard Bell. Photo: Lewis James Media, 2019.

Australia’s leading urban Aboriginal art collective, proppaNOW, will present its first exhibition at a major institution when OCCURRENT AFFAIR opens at The University of Queensland Art Museum on 13 February 2021.

27 November 2020
Dr Richard Gordon and assistant in his lab

Researchers from The University of Queensland will investigate the potential of existing drugs to be repurposed to fight Parkinson’s disease thanks to a new research grant.

7 March 2019

A promising new therapy to stop Parkinson’s disease in its tracks has been developed at The University of Queensland.

1 November 2018
Professor Michael Yu is working on revolutionary termiticide products

Challenges of a modern Australia – ranging from melanoma, to termites, to degenerative disorders, reef protection and food provision – are in the sights of six UQ projects to share $4.2 million in State Government funding.

20 October 2017
Judo House Part 6 (The White Bird) by Nigel Milsom

Almost four centuries after its creation, Gian Lorenzo Bernini's Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (1647–52) has inspired a new exhibition opening at UQ Art Museum on 16 September.

5 September 2017
UQ's research will benefit Queensland and have global impact

University of Queensland researchers are celebrating a combined multi-million-dollar success in the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Fellowships scheme.

24 March 2017
Darren Siwes  Marrkidj Wurd-ko (Cross Pose) Group 2011. Reproduced courtesy of the artist and GAGPROJECTS/Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide

A new exhibition at The University of Queensland Art Museum explores how artists use the body’s sensory language to shape political thought.

14 May 2015
Associate Professor Trent Woodruff

A University of Queensland research team has been awarded a grant from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research to target brain inflammation in people with Parkinson’s disease.

6 March 2015
TEDxUQ 2014 – “Old Ideas, New World”.

Some of Queensland’s finest minds will converge on The University of Queensland on 29 March for TEDxUQ 2014 – themed “Old Ideas, New World”.

28 March 2014
Sweeney Reed (1945–1979), ‘Telepoem’ 1975, screen print, edition 43/45
41 x 51 cm, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne, Gift of Pamela, Mishka and Danila McIntosh 1990. © Estate of Sweeney Reed.

The emergence of visual poetry in Australia in the mid-1960s and its ongoing development will be on display at the UQ Art Museum from 6 July.

26 June 2013

Students and staff passionate about exchanging extraordinary ideas have secured top speakers for The University of Queensland’s first ever TEDx event on March 23.

7 March 2013

The University of Queensland (UQ) has signed a five-year, $2.5 million industry partnership alliance with global miner Vale to build a hub of geomicrobiological knowledge.

10 September 2012
Members of the Asylum and Refugee Law Project including Marissa Dooris (front row, second from left) and Dr Peter Billings (centre)

A project that has helped year 12 high school students to develop a better understanding of Australia’s asylum and refugee policies is the main winner in the 2011 UQ Vice-Chancellor’s Equity and Diversity Awards, announced this evening.

26 May 2011
Dr David Ball and Professor Janet Wiles examine iRat

Do you navigate well or lose your way easily and never understand why?

14 November 2010

Two current senior UQ staff members and a significant number of UQ graduates are among the 2008 list of Australia’s 100 most influential engineers published by Engineers Australia media.

1 July 2008

A dynamo of UQ research and commercialisation is lending his energy to a new charity for child survivors of last month’s earthquake in southwest China.

30 May 2008