Australian researchers have identified lifestyle factors that impair women’s brain performance as early as age 45.

18 December 2013

With an ageing population and the competing interests of the individual, the family, service providers, the market and the state in the use of older people’s financial assets, protection and quality management of such assets has never been more...

17 September 2012

Learner-centred, web-based video recordings and interactions are part of a new elearning initiative being developed at UQ through an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) grant.

6 October 2008

Dementia often robs spouses of quality time together but an innovative UQ project hopes to find ways to reclaim it.

23 September 2008

With Australia’s ageing population, diseases like dementia are on the rise. And, thanks to $1.7 million in recent grants, The University of Queensland will be at the forefront of research dealing with a range of dementia-related issues.

2 April 2008

UQ researchers are examining a possible link between a history of depression and anxiety and the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, later in life.

8 December 2006

University of Queensland teachers have a 100 percent success rate in a new awards scheme that recognises teaching excellence in higher education.

10 July 2006

At a time when the work of teachers is more important than ever in nurturing the leaders of tomorrow, The University of Queensland has recognised some of its most innovative, dedicated and exceptional mentors at a teaching awards ceremony.

1 November 2005

A unique scholarship program offered by The University of Queensland has enabled two students to undertake a research project which will provide valuable advice to caregivers of people with dementia.

3 August 2005

A visiting research scholar to The University of Queensland will present a workshop tomorrow (November 27) focusing on new and innovative approaches to dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

26 November 2004

Ageing can cause many fears in people, but perhaps one of the biggest is fear of losing your memory.

22 June 2004

What do spiders, heights and elevators have in common? All three can make some people sick to the stomach with fear.

31 May 2004

If the very thought of heights, touching a spider or riding in an elevator makes you feel sick, then researchers at The University of Queensland may be able to help.

20 April 2004

Diagnosing the onset of early dementia could be as easy as a 30-minute chat with a computer using a program being developed by The University of Queensland.

3 June 2003