10 July 2006

University of Queensland teachers have a 100 percent success rate in a new awards scheme that recognises teaching excellence in higher education.

UQ and the University of New England led the Carrick Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning list with 10 awards each.

The Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education awarded the citations as part of the Australian Government’s expanded program of national awards designed to recognise and reward teaching excellence in the higher education sector.

The outstanding UQ recipients were presented with their awards at a ceremony at Customs House on Monday, August 7.

UQ’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Michael Keniger said the awards reflected the dedication that UQ’s teaching staff had shown to developing the skills and knowledge of their students.

“The University has won more national teaching awards than any other university and these Citations will give a great confidence boost to all staff who are passionate about nurturing the next generation of critical thinkers,” Professor Keniger said.

“I congratulate the recipients and thank them for making a real difference to teaching and learning at UQ.”

Over $2 million in prize money will be presented to the more than 200 Citation winners at five regional ceremonies to be held during August in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. Each winner receives $10,000.

Minister for Education, Science and Training Julie Bishop congratulated the winners on their outstanding contribution to student learning.

“These Citations acknowledge and celebrate the vital contribution made by individuals and teams to the quality of student learning, from undergraduate teaching to research supervision,” Ms Bishop said.

“They recognise a range of academic and professional support staff who are acknowledged by their colleagues as making an enormous difference to the learning experiences of their students.”

All UQ staff that were nominated by their Faculties were congratulated at a Teaching Citation Awards Reception hosted by Professor Keniger at The James and Mary Emelia Mayne Centre on Tuesday, July 25.

UQ Winners:

Associate Professor Stephen Adkins
For 18 years of exemplary supervision and support of postgraduate research students with a non English speaking background in the field of Agricultural Science.

Associate Professsor Shaun Collin
For the development and implementation of an intense, research-led, field-based course to enhance both domestic and international student learning in theoretical and practical neurobiology.

Dr Sarah Derrington
For sustained commitment to an innovative learning experience designed to develop an international perspective on Maritime Law for students` from Australian and overseas universities.

Wendy Fitzmaurice, Alex Rohan, Fiona Stroud, Marissa Takahashi, Liz Reaves
For targeted provision of information Technology training programmes to meet specific student needs at all stages of their academic career.

Dr Massimo Gasparon
For a decade of commitment to the enhancement of teaching quality and student experience, and to the education of professional geologists and Earth Sciences.

Dr Madan Gupta
For the enhancement of student performance through innovative cooperative learning strategies and fostering a supportive environment for peer and self-assessment.

Dr Paul Harnett, Dr Nancy Pachana, Dr Kate Sofronoff, Dr Ruth Bouma, Suzanne Doyle
For leadership in the design and implementation of a program of feedback for postgraduate clinical psychology students to enhance core competencies in clinical practice.

Dr Marie Kavanagh and Students in the Free Enterprise group
For leadership of a mentoring program that supports transition and collaborative learning for first year students at a regional campus, and engages students in the community.

Dr Barbara Maenhaut
For outstanding contributions to the development of innovative teaching methods and resources that address the difficulties faced by students in first year mathematics.

Louise McCuaig
For the design and delivery of innovative health promoting pedagogies that increase the efficacy of health and personal development education in schools.

Media: for more information, contact Chris Saxby at UQ Communications (telephone 07 3365 2479, email c.saxby@uq.edu.au).