The SVII camera system piloted by Christophe Bailhache in Raja Ampat. © Underwater Earth / XL Catlin Seaview Survey / Aaron Spence

More than one million high-resolution images from 860 of the world’s coral reefs have been made available to scientists by The University of Queensland and ocean conservation non-profit, Underwater Earth.

16 December 2019

UQ experts are available to comment on the impacts of cyclone activity.

3 April 2018
Chasing Coral

A new Netflix documentary, Chasing Coral, is about to hit the world’s small screens.

14 July 2017

The following experts are available to comment on the impacts of tropical cyclone Debbie.

28 March 2017
The XL Catlin Seaview Survey team visits Big Island, Hawaii.

University of Queensland scientists are concerned about news from the US National Ocean and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) that coral bleaching is likely to continue as hotter-than-normal ocean temperatures continue for the third consecutive year.

21 June 2016
A before and after image of the bleaching in American Samoa: XL Catlin Seaview Survey.

A global coral bleaching event expected to heavily impact the Great Barrier Reef has been confirmed by scientists from The University of Queensland and the National Ocean Atmospheric Administration.

8 October 2015
Expedition leader Dr Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero driving the SVII in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.

A team of marine biologists from The University of Queensland has witnessed first-hand the potentially damaging effects of rapidly rising ocean temperatures on coral reefs in Hawaii.

2 September 2015
Researchers with the Catlin Seaview Survey are examining photographs to understand reef health. Credit: Catlin Seaview Survey.

A picture is worth considerably more than a thousand words to marine scientists working on the Catlin Seaview Survey, as they study more than 500,000 images in research to improve coral reef health.

21 November 2014