UQ researchers and research supervisors have been recognised for their outstanding contributions in a range of fields at the 2018 UQ Research Week awards

A roll-call of high calibre researchers and research supervisors has been recognised for outstanding contributions in a range of fields at The University of Queensland 2018 Research Week awards.

12 September 2018
Spoonbills near UQ’s Moreton Bay Research Station. Photo by Lucy Trippett.

The future of Moreton Bay will be the focus of a public regional forum at The University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus from 1-3 November.

20 September 2016

University of Queensland pain drug pioneer Professor Maree Smith has joined an elite group of scientists tonight, receiving the prestigious ATSE Clunies Ross Award.

16 June 2016
UQ's new Laureate Fellows - Professor Alan Rowan, left, and Professor Paul Burn

The University of Queensland has received $24.5 million in the competitive Australian Research Council grants announced in Canberra today, securing a greater share of the pool than any other university.

6 May 2016
Professor Ben Hankamer.

Global warming could occur more quickly than expected, according to a new model by University of Queensland and Griffith University researchers.

10 March 2016
Justice Roslyn Atkinson AO

The Supreme Court’s Justice Roslyn Atkinson, AO, is among University of Queensland alumni who received awards in the Australia Day 2015 Honours List.

27 January 2015

Leading economist and Harvard Professor Dale W. Jorgenson will discuss Australia’s position in the world economy at a public lecture on 8 July.

4 July 2014
The University of Queensland Academic Board President Professor Kaye Basford with China’s President Xi Jinping at the International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology.

The University of Queensland Academic Board President Professor Kaye Basford met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on 3 June.

4 July 2014
The Science of Everyday Thinking

More than 70,000 people from around the world have signed up for The University of Queensland’s first free online course, due to start on Monday 3 March.

28 February 2014
eX de Medici
‘Spy (Tehran/Qom)’ 2012
watercolour on paper
image/sheet 114 x 166 cm
Collection of The University of Queensland, purchased 2012
Photo: Carl Warner
Reproduced courtesy of the artist

UQ Art Museum will showcase selected artworks acquired for The University of Queensland Art Collection in the last two years.

2 August 2013
University of Queensland Law Society (UQLS) President Chad Hardy, The Hon Justice Patrick Keane and Catherine Drummond, winner of the UQLS Medal for the Most Outstanding Graduate of the Year.

University of Queensland law students have been awarded for their exceptional academic performance, in areas from taxation law to criminal procedure.

23 May 2013
Professor Andrew White, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Høj, Professor Max Lu, Professor David Craik and Professor Matthew Brown

The University of Queensland’s place as a global research leader has been highlighted with today’s announcement that five UQ scientists are among 20 new Australian Academy of Science Fellows for 2013.

27 March 2013

The University of Queensland’s place as a global research leader has been highlighted with today’s announcement that five UQ scientists are among 20 new Australian Academy of Science Fellows for 2013.

27 March 2013

UQ staff members and teams who have made an exceptional contribution to the University were recognised this month at the annual UQ Staff Recognition Awards.

23 February 2012

Software developed by a University of Queensland researcher is part of an international experiment that could transform the construction of quantum computers.

30 June 2011

The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering has honoured two former Queensland premiers for their contribution in building the state’s thriving research culture.

20 May 2011

UQ health researchers have joined with the directors of Queensland’s leading medical research institutes to speak out against significant funding cuts to medical research foreshadowed in the upcoming Federal Budget.

12 April 2011

The Global Change Institute small grant recipients for 2010 have been announced and illustrate the breadth and depth of research activities at The University of Queensland.

22 November 2010
The Queensland Premier, Dr Anna Bligh, speaking at the graduation ceremony on Wednesday night

GRADUATION ceremonies this week have brought classic scholarly scenes to The University of Queensland, with academic gowns and mortarboards aplenty being worn with pride around the Great Court and other hallowed halls.

22 July 2010

Next-generation approaches in disease detection and prevention are being developed by biotechnologists at The University of Queensland (UQ) in a bid to curb the influence of a changing climate and sprawling population.

27 October 2009