The QCE Award winners

The University of Queensland is the university of choice for more than half of Queensland’s top performing secondary school students.

21 February 2017
New combinations of resident and migrant species will present unprecedented challenges for conservation planning.

Warming oceans will cause profound changes in the global distribution of marine species, new research shows.

26 August 2015
University of Queensland Associate Professor Greg Brown and Poland’s Jagiellonian University Dr Malgorzata Grodzinska-Jurczak visit a protected natural area in Poland.

An international research consortium, involving an Australian researcher, aims to improve national park governance and landscape protection systems in Poland and Norway, thanks to a prestigious $1.2 million European grant.

16 April 2013

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences celebrated the outstanding achievements of some of its top teachers at its annual faculty Teaching and Learning Awards ceremony today.

1 November 2010

Promising new University of Queensland research projects have the potential to revolutionise a diversity of industries, including healthcare, security, chemical, horticulture, energy and electronics.

16 June 2009