Professor Brian Head

Leading social scientist from The University of Queensland Professor Brian Head has received two accolades for his research leadership and expertise this year.

22 November 2012
Professors Brian Head and Janeen Baxter.

Two University of Queensland professors at the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) have been awarded with prestigious appointments to the Australian Research Council College (formerly known as College of Experts) – an acknowledgement that...

21 March 2012
Inaugural Project Reference Group meeting (left to right), Dr Tim Lucas (DEEDI), Ms Maureen O'Connor (Qld Health), Dr Adrian Cherney (Chief Investigator), Ms Sharon Bailey (Qld Premier's Dept), Prof Paul Boreham (Chief Investigator), Prof Brian Head (Chief Investigator) and Dr John Dungan (DET).

Former senior public servant and University of Queensland researcher Professor Brian Head is setting out to change a widely held perception that while evidence-based research is necessary in medicine and science, the leap to making social policy...

15 December 2011

It’s official: Coalition politicians are less certain than their Labor counterparts that climate change exists and less likely to consider it a serious threat to human existence, a new survey shows.

12 August 2010