Associate Professor Timothy McIntyre and Associate Professor April Wright

Two University of Queensland teachers have been given top marks for their dedication and innovative approaches to student learning at the Australian Awards for University Teaching.

26 February 2019
2013 UQ Teaching and Learning award winners: Dr Craig Engstrom, Dr Jessica Gallagher, Dr Susan Rowland, Dr Janette McWilliam Front Row, Monica Taylor, Associate Professor Polly Parker, Dr April Wright and Dr Neil Cottrell.

A group of outstanding teachers has been recognised at The University of Queensland's 2013 UQ Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Internationalisation ceremony last night.

29 October 2013

Three University of Queensland staff have been recognised nationally as outstanding teachers.

29 August 2013
Top row (left to right): Dr Sebastian Kaempf, Mr Michael Jennings, Dr Ann Peterson. Bottom row (left to right): Dr Gwen Lawrie, Dr Carlie Driscoll, Associate Professor Shazia Sadiq and Dr Pamela Meredith

A group of outstanding teachers has been recognised at The University of Queensland’s 2012 UQ Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards ceremony tonight.

29 October 2012

A UQ Business School senior lecturer has won the country’s top award for management education in recognition of her pioneering teaching methods.

13 February 2012
Front Row (L to R), Associate Professor Massimo Gasparon, Professor Michael Drinkwater, Dr Simon Perry, Dr Phillip Isaac. Second Row (L to R) Dr Daniel Schull, Dr April Wright, Associate Professor Lisa Nissen, Dr Patricia Short, Dr Monica Moran, Miss Jacqueline Bond. Third Row (L to R) Professor Arne Dahle, Professor Peter Dux, Mr Carl Sherwood, Dr Winnifred Louis, Ms Jane Furnas.

The University of Queensland (UQ) celebrated some of its most inspiring and dedicated teachers at the 2011 UQ Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards held last night.

31 October 2011