Emeritus Professor Peter Andrews AO

A University of Queensland Emeritus Professor has been named a Queensland Great for his efforts to create and foster the state’s knowledge economy.

7 June 2024

A challenge among three housemates to identify species around their inner-Brisbane home has resulted in an academic research paper, showcasing the rich biodiversity in urban landscapes.  

8 December 2023
A wind turbine in a dry field with a power plant emitting steam in the background

All eyes will be on Dubai this week as 70,000 delegates from nearly 200 countries meet at the United Nations backed climate summit, known as COP28. The University of Queensland has a range of researchers available to offer expert analysis.

29 November 2023
Order of Australia medals on a purple background

An international leader in audiology and an Indigenous author and poet are among an extensive list of University of Queensland representatives who have been named on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List this year.

13 June 2022
Rosie Stoke studies "small" babies and their lifelong health risks

MD-PhD candidate Rosie Stoke has won The University of Queensland’s 2021 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition and will go on to represent UQ in the Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition next month.

16 September 2021
A  new study involving UQ estimates around 200 to 252 white sharks have babies each year.

A study on the vulnerable white shark has shown that approximately 206 to 252 sharks breed on Australia’s east coast each year.

23 December 2020
A vaccine researcher works in a labortory

Phase 1 trial of the UQ-CSL v451 COVID-19 vaccine has shown that it elicits a robust response towards the virus and has a strong safety profile. There were no serious adverse events or safety concerns reported in the 216 trial participants. However...

11 December 2020

Victorian premier Daniel Andrews said on Thursday the state had recorded 723 new COVID-19 cases, a huge jump from the 295 new daily cases announced the day before, Dr Ian Mackay writes.

30 July 2020

As Australia considers how to safely welcome international visitors again, testing wastewater systems on long-haul planes and cruise ships could provide crucial information on detecting the presence of the COVID-19 virus in incoming passengers.

16 July 2020

Stuck together in isolation, three University of Queensland scientists have started a new online challenge to get us more acquainted with our (very) local wildlife.

17 April 2020

A comprehensive tool to help people manage back pain has been developed by a team of international health experts led by University of Queensland researchers.

30 July 2019
A carer with an elderly patient look at the sunset.

University of Queensland experts are available to comment on a range of aspects relating to end-of-life, palliative and aged care.

17 June 2019

Women lead the way in 57 University of Queensland Sporting Scholarships awarded to 55 student-athletes, including Olympic, Paralympic and Australian representatives.

15 March 2019
Couch smut (Ustilago cynoditis: Leif Forsberg, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

University of Queensland researchers are working on a new project to keep smut off our playing fields; but it’s not the kind of smut that first comes to mind.

24 January 2019

Australian athletes have partnered with scientists at The University of Queensland to support research into the effects of concussion.

31 May 2018
Professor Julie Cogin

The University of Queensland has announced the appointment of a new leader for the prestigious UQ Business School.

10 October 2017

The University of Queensland’s 2017 Alumni Awards have recognised a diverse range of leaders who have created change by advancing knowledge, powering economies and advocating for human rights and dignity.

31 August 2017
UQ's photovoltaic solar installation at Gatton

The University of Queensland has a range of experts available to talk to journalists on Dr Alan Finkel's Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market.

9 June 2017
Dr Michael Taylor from UQ's School of Biomedical Sciences,

A physicist and a chemist from The University of Queensland will network with Nobel Prize winners at the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting later this month.

8 June 2017
Left to right: Breanna Koenen (AFL), Callum Breetzke (Surf Life Saving), Meg Gemmell (Rugby Sevens), and Leo Lark (Weightlifting)

A record 56 University of Queensland students – including five Olympic and Paralympic representatives – have received 2017 UQ Sporting Scholarships.

23 March 2017