Married couples who have lived together before tying the knot share housework more equally than those who do not, a University of Queensland study has found.

11 October 2000

Adventurer Henri Gilbert may soon become as well known to Australian school children as explorers Burke and Wills, Charles Sturt, Blaxland, and Matthew Flinders.

10 October 2000

Are Political Killings Genocide? That's the topic to be discussed at a free University of Queensland public lecture on October 12 at Mayne Hall foyer, St Lucia at 5.30pm.

9 October 2000

The world's most comprehensive model for understanding bird extinction has been created by a University of Queensland researcher.

8 October 2000

Australia's metropolitan cities are clearly divided into areas that generate high levels of income tax revenue and those that are highly dependent on welfare benefits according to researchers at The University of Queensland and Monash University.

8 October 2000

Patients suffering from Ross River virus disease do not relapse, as is commonly thought. The results come from the PhD project of University of Queensland researcher Dr Dave Harley.

6 October 2000

The University of Queensland will host a free public lecture this month on an important archaeological site in Athens.

5 October 2000

University of Queensland researchers are providing an insurance policy to underpin the survival of a Gold Coast glow worm colony and a surrounding multi-million dollar eco-tourism industry.

4 October 2000

As part of the lead-up to the Centenary of Federation celebrations in Australia, the Queensland chapter of the Constitutional Centenary Foundation will host a Public Seminar at the Customs House on Saturday, 14 October.

4 October 2000

Human Genome Project sequencing has provided the pieces of a complex jigsaw but working out how they interlock and what the completed picture represents is one of the challenges being tackled by University of Queensland researcher Dr Bostjan Kobe....

3 October 2000

A University of Queensland researcher is using molecular analysis in an attempt to resolve a hotly debated issue in evolutionary theory, involving the relationship between turtles, crocodiles and other reptiles.

3 October 2000

The University of Queensland has honoured seven of its early-career researchers with special funding totalling nearly half a million dollars.

2 October 2000

Nearly 40 years after researchers first asked how some retinal nerve cells could detect the direction of motion independently of the rest of the brain, a team of researchers from The University of Queensland and the Australian National University...

29 September 2000

A festival celebrating one of Thailand's most ancient and important traditions will be enacted on the shores of the lake at The University of Queensland's St Lucia campus on Friday, October 6.

26 September 2000

Twelve Vietnamese university academic and technical staff have arrived in Queensland, marking the first phase of a major University of Queensland commitment to the training and development of staff of the University of Danang.

20 September 2000

The University of Queensland is holding two October events for people interested in undertaking postgraduate study in 2001.

19 September 2000

A University of Queensland study has found a potentially widespread misuse of prescription medicines among Australia's non-English speaking community.

19 September 2000

Students undertaking Year 12 in 2001 are invited to attend The University of Queensland's popular annual Leo Howard Vacation School in January.

15 September 2000

Australia's Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Peter Cosgrove will visit The University of Queensland to present St. Leo College's Annual Archbishop Sir James Duhig Memorial Lecture.

13 September 2000

University of Queensland Space Engineering students will participate in an international space industry conference to be held in Canberra later this year.

13 September 2000