Clever campaigns persuade, not alienate

An expert in the psychology of political and social change has described the US election result as a perfect example of “the illusion of momentum building”.

10 November 2016
Customs House.

The University of Queensland (UQ) and Cbus Property today announced an agreement that would enable the new development at 443 Queen Street to proceed, whilst preserving important views of Brisbane’s historic Customs House.

10 November 2016

Two University of Queensland Press authors – Sarah Holland-Batt and Karen Lamb – have won acclaim for their work after being awarded significant Australian literary prizes last night.

10 November 2016
Professor Mark Kendall ... "Sir Howard Florey was a hugely inspiring individual"

A University of Queensland researcher who invented the Nanopatch – a needle-free vaccine delivery device – has been awarded the 2016 CSL Young Florey Medal.

9 November 2016
The research focused exclusively on recreational bodybuilders, to understand how their motivations to use drugs, and patterns of use.

Prohibition is failing to curb recreational bodybuilders’ use of performance and image-enhancing drugs, and the policy is sexist and causes harm, according to participants in a first-of-its-kind University of Queensland study.

9 November 2016
The panel addresses the audience.

A UQ Rugby benefit dinner held in New York City on Thursday night was a gathering of the ‘who’s who’ of Australian and international rugby legends.

8 November 2016
Professor Graeme Orr.

Modern democracies need to break through wooden political sloganeering and judicial paternalism to reach a more rational, cooperative and democratic process, according to UQ law Professor Graeme Orr.

8 November 2016
US flag.

Experts from The University of Queensland are available to comment on various aspects of the United States Presidential Election.

7 November 2016

The University of Queensland’s Professor John McGrath has won a prestigious international fellowship in the Niels Bohr Professorship Program in Denmark to continue his ground-breaking research into schizophrenia.

7 November 2016
Vale Emeritus Professor John Hay AC

The University of Queensland today pays tribute to one of the most influential leaders in its 106-year history, former Vice-Chancellor and President Emeritus Professor John Hay AC.

4 November 2016
Professor Xue Li ... his analysis is based on data from the previous 24 hours’ social media

A University of Queensland computer scientist who harvests social media to accurately predict election results says he can confidently call next week’s United States election.

4 November 2016
Andrew Hurle Reconstructions (after CW Dickinson) 2011 (detail) Pigment ink jet print Courtesy of the artist and Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney.

An exhibition opening at The University of Queensland Art Museum next week aims to scratch below the surface of our economic systems to reveal money’s enigmatic side.

4 November 2016
Great Court carvings ... agile wallaby frieze; UQ sculptor John Muller; and November lily roundel.

The Great Court at The University of Queensland is “a secret Brisbane doesn’t know it has”, says the editor of a new guide to the St Lucia landmark.

3 November 2016

Five UQ student athletes have been awarded a UQ Blue – the University of Queensland’s highest sporting honour at the 2016 UQ Blues Awards Dinner, with a further 19 athletes receiving Half-Blue honours.

3 November 2016
Professor Jochen Mueller

Proceeds of Crime funding will help University of Queensland researchers keep an eye on drugs in Australia’s wastewater.

3 November 2016
Colder than space and smaller than the width of a human hair

University of Queensland scientists have imprinted images of Einstein and Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose on a super-cold microscopic fluid to demonstrate a physics state first predicted by the famed pair in 1925.

3 November 2016
Living in a state akin to constant jet-lag increases meth addicts' craving for the drug

Exercise coupled with controlled methamphetamine use prior to withdrawal could be a powerful new tool to treat “meth” addiction.

3 November 2016

The University of Queensland will host more than 250 athletes from across South East Queensland at the annual UQ Sport 1500m Classic tomorrow night - kicking off the summer track and field season.

2 November 2016
Owen Finegan, Professor Brandon Wainwright, Dr Laura Genovesi

A future where no children suffer deadly brain tumours may be within reach, thanks to the vision of a team of researchers from The University of Queensland and generous funding.

2 November 2016
Associate Professor Michelle Hill.

A five-year trial at a Brisbane Hospital has increased the accuracy of diagnosing patients with amyloidosis, a group of rare and incurable diseases caused by abnormal protein deposits in tissues and organs.

2 November 2016