Science Minister Leeanne Enoch and Dr Lee Hickey

Grain research technology that will help combat food shortages stemming from climate change and a burgeoning world population have helped a young researcher claim the title of Advance Queensland Young Tall Poppy Scientist of the Year.

14 August 2017
UQ's research will benefit Queensland and have global impact

University of Queensland researchers are celebrating a combined multi-million-dollar success in the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Fellowships scheme.

24 March 2017
Tim O’Hare invented SuperGold sweet corn, a variety that protects against macular eye degeneration

​Fruit, vegetables and nuts with particular health-giving benefits will be the focus of a $10 million research project at The University of Queensland.

23 November 2016
More than 300 people in Victoria and South Australia suffered food poisoning in salmonella outbreaks this year linked with bagged salads and sprouts.

Friendly bacteria may be introduced to bagged salad leaves to help ward off the possibility of salmonella and listeria outbreaks.

14 November 2016
Bathing in the Ganges river. Photo: Rabin Chakrabarti

The University of Queensland’s leadership on water solutions will be heard by 3500 global delegates at the World Water Congress and Exhibition this week.

10 October 2016
More than 60 per cent of Australians are overweight or obese

Growing obesity levels are increasing the burden of cancers throughout the world, say University of Queensland researchers.

8 December 2014
Less than two per cent of Australian women are eating the recommended five servings of vegetables a day

Less than two per cent of Australian women are eating the recommended five servings of vegetables a day, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

26 May 2014
Declaration commits to eradicating malaria in the Asia Pacific.

As the 2014 World Malaria Day campaign draws to a close, 15 Asian Pacific countries have declared a commitment to eradicating malaria from the region.

1 May 2014

Exciting new research collaborations in areas ranging from the arts to zoology are under way between The University of Queensland and The University of Western Australia.

22 November 2013

A Queensland strawberry-breeding program has uncovered what could become the nutritional power-berry of the strawberry industry.

18 September 2012

Risks from the commercial production of genetically modified (GM) plants and food are alarmist and exaggerated, according to a new study.

23 January 2008