Associate Professor Bryan Fry flat on his stomach staring at a rearing cobra

The last common ancestor of chimps, gorillas and humans developed an increased resistance toward cobra venom, according to University of Queensland-led research.

7 December 2021

Scientists have discovered that the humble blue-tongue lizard is largely resistant to the venom of the deadly red-bellied black snake, while giant carnivorous monitor lizards which feed on Australia’s most venomous snakes are not.

7 September 2021
Picture of stonefish

University of Queensland scientists working to unlock the mysteries Australia’s deadly stonefish have made a discovery which could change how sting victims are treated in the future.

1 June 2021
A Sudanese red spitting cobra, entwined around some wood, with its head rearing. Image: Bonnerscar

Certain snakes have evolved a unique genetic trick to avoid being eaten by venomous snakes, according to University of Queensland research.

15 January 2021