A medical mask and COVID-19 test on desk with pregnant woman in background. Adobe

DNA changes consistent with life-threatening pregnancy complications have been found in the placentas of pregnant women infected by COVID-19, according to University of Queensland researchers.

9 February 2024
A line-up of six women standing outdoors dressed in exercise gear, smiling and with their arms around the person beside them.

UQ researchers have found women can retain the benefits of exercise during their 20s, going on to have better heart health later in life.

15 September 2023
Three women in brightly coloured shirts smile and laugh. They have their arms around each other.

University of Queensland research has found women who have quality relationships in their 40s and 50s are less likely to develop multiple chronic conditions in older age.

22 February 2023

A PhD candidate working to understand early embryo development has won The University of Queensland’s 2022 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition final.

15 September 2022
Bull ants emerging from the nest, through a rocky hole

Australian bull ants have evolved a venom molecule perfectly tuned to target one of their predators – the echidna – that also could have implications for people with long-term pain, University of Queensland researchers say.

3 March 2022
There are significant differences between the livers of men and women. Adobe

The livers of men diagnosed with hepatic diseases change sex as part of a potential self-protective mechanism, according to University of Queensland research.

22 February 2022
Woman holding a red heart over her stomach.

Women with undiagnosed endometriosis will have difficulty falling pregnant without IVF, according to a University of Queensland study.

6 October 2021
woman in exercise gear lying on a yoga mat in front of a lap top, doing scissor kicks

Increased physical activity could reduce the chance of heavy menstrual periods in women who are overweight or obese, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

19 April 2021
Pensive young boy with his index finger over his mouth

Children as young as three can understand the difference between real figures and those that are make believe, according to University of Queensland research.

18 June 2020

We are closer to understanding the incredible ability of squid to instantly camouflage themselves thanks to research from The University of Queensland.

28 January 2020

A simple blood test could soon become the latest monitoring tool for the early detection of melanoma in the eye.

15 November 2019

University of Queensland researchers have used super-resolution microscopy to observe key molecules at work inside living brain cells, further unravelling the puzzle of memory formation and the elusive causes of dementia.

2 August 2019

A grant from the Children’s Hospital Foundation will help a working mother from The University of Queensland tackle childhood brain cancer treatments.

17 July 2019

Researchers say almost half of Australian families tracked in a 30-year study have experienced poverty at least once.

24 January 2018
: The two pearlside species studied, Maurolicus muelleri (top) and Maurolicus mucronatus (bottom). Image: Wen-Sung Chung

A new type of cell has been found in the eye of a deep-sea fish, and scientists say the discovery opens a new world of understanding about vision in a variety of light conditions.

9 November 2017
UQ's research will benefit Queensland and have global impact

University of Queensland researchers are celebrating a combined multi-million-dollar success in the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Fellowships scheme.

24 March 2017

From lifting a mower to trim the hedges to lopping trees with a circular saw, it seems there are endless ways for DIY enthusiasts to end up in hospital emergency departments.

19 December 2016
Professor Naomi Wray

Researchers at The University of Queensland have contributed to the discovery of three new genes which increase the risk of motor neurone disease (MND), opening the door for targeted treatments.

26 July 2016

A woman’s education level and the number of children she has affects breast feeding, with the “baby of the family” most likely to miss out, University of Queensland research shows.

22 March 2016
UQ was awarded a total of 77 health and medical research grants today

Australia’s first Centre of Research Excellence in Chronic Kidney Disease will be established at The University of Queensland with a $2.5 million grant announced today.

17 October 2014