Children with autism educated at mainstream schools have reduced autism levels and a better quality of life as adults, according to a University of Queensland study.

30 October 1998

Classical composer and University of Queensland PhD student Kent Farbach is hoping he will have the same success with fish scales as he has had with the musical scales he uses to construct his internationally-recognised works.

23 October 1998

University of Queensland Classics and Ancient History postgraduates are raising money to establish an annual prize in memory of tutor and postgraduate Carole Chandler, who died in July after a two-year battle with cancer.

7 October 1998

Steve Ford made it as far as state representative for New South Wales in the Australian Championship trials in 1971 then turned his back on athletics for baseball.

20 August 1998

Martin Stuart-Fox went to Laos in 1963 as a biologist. He left eighteen months later as a war correspondent with an interest in the country and its people that would change his life.

18 August 1998

Women researchers at the University of Queensland have dramatically improved their success rate in national competitive research grants in the past four years.

28 July 1998

A book by University of Queensland lecturer Dr Mike Levy seems to have filled a global niche as the definitive text on computer-assisted language learning (CALL).

28 July 1998

The University of Queensland's national dominance of two key outcomes of higher education has been independently recognised with a coveted national award.

23 July 1998

Australian and German scientists have discovered the presence of a jet of material expelled to great distances from the centre of the nearby Circinus galaxy.

26 June 1998

Thirty University of Queensland students recently gained first-hand experience at being fingerprinted and put behind bars.

19 May 1998

More than 200 years after HMS Pandora struck the Great Barrier Reef and sank, a University of Queensland researcher is attempting to add to history by working on human skeletal remains recovered from the wreck by Queensland Museum archaeologists.

8 May 1998

People who exercise to regain muscle function after their first back injury can significantly reduce the risk of injuring their back again in the following 12 months, according to a recent University of Queensland study.

6 May 1998

A senior lecturer in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Queensland has been awarded his fourth Australian Academy of Science international exchange fellowship in five years.

23 April 1998

University of Queensland researchers have found that a hormone they discovered years ago has the potential to treat some cancers, accelerate wound healing, prevent rejection of transplanted organs and control auto-immune disease.

20 March 1998

University of Queensland researchers have found that a hormone they discovered years ago has the potential to treat some cancers, accelerate wound healing, prevent rejection of transplanted organs and control auto-immune disease.

17 March 1998

Sitting in the back of a bobsled with your head tucked between your knees hurtling down an icy run at speeds of up to 140kmh is no joy ride, according to PhD student Angus Ross.

13 March 1998

Brisbane would be Utopia if only it had a decent mountain with snow in winter, according to veterinary medicine associate professor and world-class ski orienteerer Jacquie Rand.

13 March 1998

Michael McNally is no stranger to overseas travel, living in locations far from the usual tourist routes and speaking other languages.

6 March 1998

Professor John Biddulph, who devoted 30 years to improving child health in Papua New Guinea, died on January 6 after losing the battle against leukaemia. He was 62 years old.

23 February 1998

Professor Peter English, who dedicated half his life to developing the School of Veterinary Science, died on September 5 last year, aged 75.

23 February 1998