A dedicated group of volunteers at the University of Queensland has given away more than $1 million in fellowships since 1972.

18 December 1997

1997 University of Queensland Alumnus of the Year Dr H. Rodney Withers will receive his award and address graduates, at a University graduation ceremony for future doctors and other health professionals on Friday, December 5.

4 December 1997

One of the University of Queensland's oldest sporting clubs has unveiled an honour board of its 170 'Blues' winners for outstanding achievement in football.

1 December 1997

Queensland Governor and University Visitor Major General Peter Arnison AO opened the Women's College's new Piddington Wing and College Playhouse on Friday, October 17.

3 November 1997

It's not every day you see an international best-seller on the history of economics.

29 October 1997

The University of Queensland-based Co-operative Research Centre for Tropical Plant Pathology is Australia's leading plant pathology research centre, according to an independent review of its operations.

29 September 1997

The University's 1997 Alumnus of the Year is 1956 medicine graduate Dr Rodney Withers - who this year won the United States government's oldest known science and technology award.

24 September 1997

A University of Queensland science undergraduate student is describing a new genus of Queensland fossil dragon lizard which became extinct 1.5 million years ago.

12 September 1997

About 750 University of Queensland students will receive degrees at three ceremonies this week at Mayne Hall, St Lucia, on Tuesday, August 12 and Thursday, August 14.

12 August 1997

The University of Queensland's winning SunShark team returns to Brisbane today, Wednesday, August 6 afterSunShark won its class and was fifth overall among 80 entries at the World Solar-Car Rally in Akita, Japan, from August 1 to 3.

5 August 1997

For the third year in a row University of Queensland graduates under the age of 25 and available for full-time work have achieved the highest employment rate in Australia.

1 August 1997

A University of Queensland researcher has developed a portable lightning protection device aimed at saving lives and equipment.

17 July 1997

The University of Queensland will award 72 medals for outstanding scholarship at graduation ceremonies at Mayne Hall, St Lucia on May 12 and May 14.

9 May 1997

Breakthrough research linking the brain to lower back pain will revolutionise the treatment of back pain and understanding how the brain works, according to University of Queensland researchers.

17 January 1997