Two hands - one holding a pack of traditional cigarettes, the other holding a vape

Selling nicotine vaping products in licenced shops with a strict age verification process will restrict youth access and help adult smokers quit, a University of Queensland drug expert has recommended.

19 April 2023

A number of young Australians say they would use cannabis for the first time if it were legal, a UQ study has found.

30 July 2020

Daily users account for more than 80 per cent of all cannabis consumed in Australia, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

16 January 2020

The consumption of caffeine, citrus, vitamin B and dietary fibre is higher in communities with higher socioeconomic status, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

14 October 2019

Claims that medical cannabis use has reduced opioid overdose deaths in the United States have been challenged by a University of Queensland drug abuse expert.

23 February 2018

Significant decreases in cannabis use by young Australians have been tempered by a warning about challenges to physical and psychological health.

10 May 2016

Nearly three quarters of Australian 14-year-olds have tried alcohol, but how much of that is being provided by their parents?

9 May 2016

A University of Queensland researcher is a major contributor to a new World Health Organisation (WHO) report on the adverse health effects of nonmedical cannabis use.

17 March 2016
"Methamphetamine consumption increased 4.8 times in the metropolitan area over the timeframe,"

Methamphetamine residue found in the wastewater of a Queensland city has multiplied five times since 2009.

7 March 2016

The total number of regular methamphetamine users in Australia is 270,000 - greater than the populations of either Hobart or Townsville.

29 February 2016