Greg Poche AO and Kay E. Van Norton Poche at their conferral ceremony in Sydney, with Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Education) Professor Cindy Shannon (left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Advancement) Ms Claire Pullar, and Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj.  Photo: Maja Baska

The University of Queensland has awarded honorary doctorates to philanthropists Greg Poche AO and Kay E. Van Norton Poche, in recognition of their life-changing dedication to Indigenous health.

11 February 2016
Caption (back, from left): Professor Nicholas Fisk, Mr Stephen Bennett MP, Dr Vanessa Greig, Mr Keith Pitt MP, (front, from left) Councillor Mal Forman, Professor Peter Høj, Ms Leanne Donaldson MP, Mr John Story AO, Professor Darrell Crawford Associate Professor Riitta Partanen. Full titles in body of article.

The University of Queensland has opened medical training centres at Bundaberg and Hervey Bay to boost the stream of ‘home-grown’ doctors to rural communities.

22 October 2015
School students learning about science careers at an InspireU camp at UQ in 2014

Improving health outcomes for urban Indigenous people will be the focus of the UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, a new centre at The University of Queensland that was officially opened tonight.

9 March 2015
More than 60 per cent of Australians are overweight or obese

Growing obesity levels are increasing the burden of cancers throughout the world, say University of Queensland researchers.

8 December 2014
Sitting for long periods of time can have negative health effects according to UQ researcher Dr Genevieve Healy

A University of Queensland researcher taking a stand for office workers has been recognised for work that is influencing public health guidelines in Australia, the UK and the US.

10 November 2014
Initial research suggests if your grandparents were obese, you have a greater chance of being obese as well. Photo: iStock

A University of Queensland study is one of the world’s first to investigate whether obesity and chronic diseases can be passed down three generations.

10 November 2014
Greg Poche AO and Kay van Norton Poche have donated $10m to Indigenous health at UQ.

A Poche Centre for Indigenous Health will be established at The University of Queensland, thanks to a $10 million gift from philanthropist Mr Greg Poche AO.

7 November 2014
About one in ten people released from prison has an intellectual disability. Jes, CC BY-SA

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) promises to deliver better support to the one in five Australians living with a disability. But what about those inside prison or who have just left prison? Will the NDIS look after them too, or keep...

3 November 2014
An example of highly-effective telehealth is the mobile telemedicine program in Cherbourg.

Queensland has claimed a knockout blow against the tyranny of distance in health care today with the opening of The University of Queensland’s Centre of Research Excellence in Telehealth.

10 September 2014