More than 60 per cent of Australians are overweight or obese

Growing obesity levels are increasing the burden of cancers throughout the world, say University of Queensland researchers.

8 December 2014
A UQ clinical trial will focus on the connection between diet and how genes are controlled. Source: iStock.

New treatments that target the underlying cause of cancer may be on the horizon, thanks to a University of Queensland clinical trial.

19 November 2014
UQ’s Professor John Drennan.

A minute paint sample from Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” painting in Amsterdam is under the microscope at The University of Queensland in Brisbane.

13 November 2014
Researchers warn that many countries in Africa’s Sub-Saharan region could be on the verge of a mental health crisis.

University of Queensland researchers warn that many countries in Africa’s Sub-Saharan region could be on the verge of a mental health crisis.

11 November 2014
Sitting for long periods of time can have negative health effects according to UQ researcher Dr Genevieve Healy

A University of Queensland researcher taking a stand for office workers has been recognised for work that is influencing public health guidelines in Australia, the UK and the US.

10 November 2014
Initial research suggests if your grandparents were obese, you have a greater chance of being obese as well. Photo: iStock

A University of Queensland study is one of the world’s first to investigate whether obesity and chronic diseases can be passed down three generations.

10 November 2014
Dr Felicity Brown will undertake research at Harvard University into refugee mental health

A University of Queensland researcher is bound for Harvard University, thanks to the Australian Government’s Endeavour Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship for 2015.

7 November 2014
Greg Poche AO and Kay van Norton Poche have donated $10m to Indigenous health at UQ.

A Poche Centre for Indigenous Health will be established at The University of Queensland, thanks to a $10 million gift from philanthropist Mr Greg Poche AO.

7 November 2014
About one in ten people released from prison has an intellectual disability. Jes, CC BY-SA

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) promises to deliver better support to the one in five Australians living with a disability. But what about those inside prison or who have just left prison? Will the NDIS look after them too, or keep...

3 November 2014
An example of highly-effective telehealth is the mobile telemedicine program in Cherbourg.

Queensland has claimed a knockout blow against the tyranny of distance in health care today with the opening of The University of Queensland’s Centre of Research Excellence in Telehealth.

10 September 2014
The gap in stillbirth rates between indigenous and non-indigenous women in Queensland, Australia, is closing.

The gap in stillbirth rates between indigenous and non-indigenous women in Queensland, Australia, is closing, however indigenous women are still at risk of stillbirth due to preventable causes, according to researchers from The University of...

3 September 2014
ISSR Director Professor Mark Western, Senior Sergeant Mike Newman, Dr Sarah Bennett, UQ Vice Chancellor Peter Høj, Amelia Gray, Matthew Klotz, Yu Hin Cheng, Bogdan Berar and Professor Lorraine Mazerolle (clockwise from back row).

Social science researchers will evaluate the success of a new mobile community policing van launched at St Lucia in Brisbane.

25 August 2014

A Solomon Islands provincial capital will be relocated to the mainland due to coastal hazards and the risks of rising sea levels resulting from climate change.

19 August 2014
UQ study shows autism rates have remained steady for the past two decades. Picture source: Shuttlestock

A University of Queensland study has found no evidence of an increase in autism in the past 20 years, countering reports that the rates of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are on the rise.

14 August 2014
Staff at UQ’s Equine Hospital provide 24-hour care and monitoring for foals and mares

As thoroughbreds in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate their annual birthday on 1 August, staff at The University of Queensland’s Equine Hospital are preparing to welcome a new season of foals.

1 August 2014

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) will be in the spotlight at a conference in Brisbane at the weekend.

30 July 2014
Innovative teaching and research technologies are bringing mid-20th Century sub-tropical architecture to life at the State Library of Queensland.

Innovative teaching and research technologies are bringing mid-20th Century sub-tropical architecture to life at the State Library of Queensland.

25 July 2014
Last summer, one student investigated how social and political changes influence media portrayal of single mothers

The University of Queensland is seeking students who would like to contribute to research discoveries as a part of the UQ Summer Research program.

17 July 2014

Young Australian women are ignoring the dangers of excessive drinking and consuming more alcohol than their mothers did at the same age.

1 July 2014
Photo of a barramundi fish

The University of Queensland and industry, business and community partners will collaborate on research projects worth more than $24 million, under the latest round of Australian Research Council Linkage Projects grants.

27 June 2014