Technology developed by University of Queensland researchers that analyses a person’s cough could help diagnose respiratory disorders quickly and easily in patients who lack access to doctors.

7 June 2019
Winning UQ technology ResApp

The University of Queensland congratulates ResApp Health Limited (ASX:RAP) following the company’s success at the global Talent Unleashed Awards in Sydney last night.

19 August 2016
Dr Jason Tangen

The growth of online learning has led a University of Queensland lecturer to question if there is any truth in the statement, “if you can be replaced by a video then you probably should be.”

2 November 2012
From left: UQ PhD candidates Shaminda De Silva and Vinayak Swarnkar; Sleep Laboratory Manager Brett Duce; Dr Udantha Abeyratne; and Dr Craig Hukins.

Hours of analysing snoring sounds have paid off for a group of researchers from The University of Queensland and Brisbane's Princess Alexandra Hospital.

11 November 2009

Developing a portable screening device for malaria and using mobile phones to diagnose pneumonia are two UQ research projects which today received support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

21 October 2009
The New Dawn FM team

A pioneering community radio station in Papua New Guinea’s Autonomous Province of Bougainville, New Dawn FM 95.3, has won the UQ School of Journalism and Communication's 2009 Communication and Social Change Award.

22 August 2009

Deep grief at the changes to Bali caused by tourism is a recurring theme in the province's modern fictional literature, according to a University of Queensland study.

27 July 2000