Left to right: Jimmy Jessup (Convenor), Nicki Murray (Video Director), Joy Qin, Henry Bretz, Will Baxter, Steele McMahon, Katie Wheatley, Henry Meehan, Izzy Belonogoff.

Failing an exam at The University of Queensland is no laughing matter.

6 August 2015
Darren Siwes  Marrkidj Wurd-ko (Cross Pose) Group 2011. Reproduced courtesy of the artist and GAGPROJECTS/Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide

A new exhibition at The University of Queensland Art Museum explores how artists use the body’s sensory language to shape political thought.

14 May 2015
2015 Fulbright Scholars Dr Scott Chapman, Dr William Feeney and Ms Kathryn Zealand

Three University of Queensland graduates have been awarded prestigious Fulbright Scholarships to United States universities.

19 February 2015
Prime Minister Tony Abbott looks set to make a case for further sweeping national security changes in the wake of recent terrorist attacks and arrests.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott looks set to make a case for further sweeping national security changes in the wake of recent terrorist attacks and arrests.

17 February 2015

The move to challenge the leadership of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, coming soon after the shock Queensland election outcome, has in some quarters been blamed on a lack of appetite for reform on the part of voters.

9 February 2015
An LNP billboard on the Captain Cook Highway, Cairns. Picture: Margo Kingston, via Twitter.

Driving back to Brisbane from my childhood home of Nambour, I saw the most extraordinary political billboard. In monumental black and white, it simply said: Hung Parliament. Chaos.

2 February 2015
Queensland Premier Campbell Newman being interviewed by the media. Credit: Wikipedia.

If Queensland’s Liberal National Party reclaims government at this Saturday’s election, you can be sure the politicians will be quick to take the credit. But behind the scenes, much of the credit for the LNP’s political revival belongs to the...

27 January 2015
India is a promising destination for Australian businesses

Australia’s trade mission to India under Andrew Robb last week provided a much needed impetus to conclude an Australia-India free trade agreement in 2015. This would be a crowning achievement for the current government, following the recently...

19 January 2015