Madjedbebe site custodian May Nango and excavation leader Chris Clarkson in the pit. Photo: Dominic O'Brien. Copyright Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation

Aboriginal people have been in Australia for at least 65,000 years – much longer than the 47,000 years believed by some archaeologists.

20 July 2017
Barrow Island

A team of international archaeologists say evidence from a remote cave in Australia’s North West pushes back human occupation of Australia to around 50,000 years ago.

19 May 2017
UQ's new Archaeology Teaching and Research Centre is a $340,000 purpose-built outdoor teaching area where archaeology students can practice their excavation skills.

University of Queensland’s archaeology students are able to dig up the ancient past and investigate contemporary murder scenes, thanks to a $340,000 purpose-built outdoor teaching area that includes a projectile firing range.

13 May 2013