Queensland data science, user-experience design and power systems experts are working to develop a world-first data platform that will harness information from potentially millions of households.

12 February 2018
Students work on their projects

You stand in front of a towering wall, and a colourful yet ghostly version of yourself mirrors your movements.

29 May 2017

University of Queensland students have taken the concept of moving furniture around to a new technological level.

27 June 2011

Physical computing projects built by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) students at The University of Queensland will amuse and inform people from industry, schools and the general public at the annual Interaction Design Exhibit at The...

25 May 2011
Clockwise from left: Melody Co, Diem Phuong, Zunnarain Zaini, Lilys Thamrin, Hoomie Hung,

An interactive learning tool developed by UQ multimedia design students has received first place in the student category of the prestigious Australian Computer Society (ACS) Queensland ICT Awards.

28 April 2009

The University of Queensland recognised some of its best teachers last night at the 2004 awards for Excellence in Teaching, Research Higher Degree Supervision and Enhancement of Student Learning.

16 November 2004

One of Australia’s leading education experts will provide a thought-provoking insight into the future of schooling at a 2020 Vision free public lecture during The University of Queensland’s first Teaching and Learning Week from November 18-22.

15 November 2002