What do slush funds, smart home safety, smuggling and sport have in common?

18 September 2017
London's beloved Borough Market was the scene of a terrorist incident on the weekend. (iStockphoto image)

These UQ experts are available to comment on the latest terrorist incidents in London.

5 June 2017

The following experts are available to comment on the tragedy unfolding in London.

23 March 2017
2015 UQ Journalism New Colombo Plan students in India

The University of Queensland has been awarded almost $1 million in the latest round of Federal Government New Colombo Plan mobility program funding.

7 September 2016
The University of Queensland has a range of experts available for media comment on G20 issues.

The University of Queensland has a range of experts available to comment on issues being discussed by worldwide leaders at Brisbane’s upcoming G20 summit.

13 November 2014