Whether it is researching consumer behaviour on the Web, ringing church bells or riding his motorbike to the top of the European Alps, Dr Chris Hodkinson loves a challenge.

7 December 2001

Former Queensland Premier Wayne Goss will address graduates at a University of Queensland graduation ceremony on Monday, December 10.

7 December 2001

Australia, like the rest of the developed world, is in the grip of 'Dollar Darwinism'-survival of the most economically efficient without regard for the social consequences, according to a University of Queensland study.

25 September 2001

The University of Queensland has attracted the largest Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery grant for a project investigating potential new drug therapies derived from the venom of marine snails.

24 September 2001

University of Queensland undergraduates will stage their own Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) on Thursday, September 20.

18 September 2001

Participants are needed for a University of Queensland study of communication between married and dating couples.

13 September 2001

The University of Queensland will share in more than $30 million in Federal Government funding for major national research facilities.

21 August 2001

You've heard of blue jeans, blue suede shoes, blue moons, true blue and Blue Poles but what about blue rats?

8 August 2001

Two University of Queensland law students have successfully prosecuted a rebel general for human rights abuses during a military coup-hypothetically speaking.

17 July 2001

The University of Queensland's technology transfer company, UniQuest Limited, today signed an extension of a significant consultancy contract with the Australian Defence Department.

22 January 2001

Anyone who has watched a fly make a flawless landing on the rim of a teacup, or marvelled at a honeybee speeding home after collecting nectar from a flower patch several kilometres away, would know that insects possess visual systems that are fast,...

19 January 2001

Two University of Queensland researchers are helping Japanese aquaculture farmers improve management and husbandry of a popular Japanese eating fish.

19 January 2001