A koala sitting in a tree

Federal government has officially listed koalas as ‘endangered’ along Australia's east coast to protect shrinking populations. The University of Queensland has a range of experts available to offer expert comment on this development.

11 February 2022

The future of the bilby, one of Australia’s threatened species could be secured with the help of University of Queensland researchers.

11 February 2019
Daylight savings could save koalas

A University of Queensland-led study has found that adopting daylight saving time in South-East Queensland could help koala conservation.

23 November 2016
San Diego Zoo ambassador Ric Schwartz and UQ’s Dr Bill Ellis with a koala participating in the radio tracking study.  Credit: Ken Bohn – San Diego Zoo.

A team of international scientists has tracked the love lives of koalas, uncovering some curious behaviours and finding that male koalas make their distinct bellows to avoid confrontation with competitors.

9 July 2015

UQ Master of Science student Maren Dammann is aiming to uncover what makes a koala's wish list when it comes to choosing a place to live.

11 March 2009

In collaboration with Rio Tinto Coal Australia, UQ researchers have found former coal mines can be successfully transformed into comfortable koala accommodation.

18 November 2008

An orphaned baby koala that was flown 1200km to be raised in captivity has recently become a first-time mum, following her successful return to the wild.

14 November 2008

With the help of mobile phone technology, UQ researchers are set to decipher the distinctive grunting noises made by male koalas during the spring mating season.

7 October 2008