Man with albinism smiling into camera

People with pale coloured melanomas are more likely to have a gene mutation associated with albinism, University of Queensland research has found.

24 September 2020

The risk of developing melanoma is significantly multiplied for people who have red hair and more than 20 large moles, University of Queensland researchers have found.

4 March 2019

University of Queensland researchers have found that freckles and moles appearing on the iris indicate a high risk of melanoma, particularly in people under 40 years of age.

17 January 2018
A review of the key genes affecting pigmentation could be the first step towards incorporating genomics into clinical practice to identify patients at high-risk of skin cancer. iStockphoto

Dermatologists may need to look further than red hair and freckles when identifying patients who might be genetically predisposed to skin cancer.

8 May 2017