David Craik standing in a greenhouse, surrounded by plants

The University of Queensland’s Professor David Craik has been elected as a Fellow of the oldest learned society in the world, the Royal Society, for his outstanding contribution to science.

7 May 2021
Headshots of the six ARC Laureate Fellows: Professor Tamara Davis, Professor Peter Visscher, Professor Christine Beveridge, Professor Bostjan Kobe, Professor Jolanda Jetten and Professor Hanns-Christoph Nägerl.

Six University of Queensland researchers have been named Australian Research Council (ARC) Australian Laureate Fellows – the most ever awarded to a single university in the scheme’s history.

2 August 2018
The research drew on data from almost every twin study across the world from the past 50 years.

One of the great tussles of science – whether our health is governed by nature or nurture – has been settled, and it is effectively a draw.

19 May 2015
Dr Jian Yang is one of two recipients of the Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation’s Senior Medical Research Fellowship.

A University of Queensland researcher has been awarded $1.2 million to unlock the genetic underpinning of thousands of diseases, including schizophrenia, Motor Neuron Disease (MND) and cancer.

5 November 2013

The influence of genes on body mass index scores is substantially lower than previously thought, researchers at The University of Queensland have found.

31 October 2013

A worldwide consortium of medical researchers and social scientists has found tiny changes to a person's genetic sequence are associated with educational level.

30 May 2013
Professor Andrew White, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Høj, Professor Max Lu, Professor David Craik and Professor Matthew Brown

The University of Queensland’s place as a global research leader has been highlighted with today’s announcement that five UQ scientists are among 20 new Australian Academy of Science Fellows for 2013.

27 March 2013

Since 2005, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfully identified thousands of genes responsible for common human diseases.

13 January 2012