Riara University staff and students receiving the textbooks.

A university in Kenya has more than 7000 new textbooks, thanks to University of Queensland students who refused to end their community project at the planning stage.

21 September 2016
Joan Ross  BBQ this Sunday, BYO (video still) 2011. Reproduced courtesy of the artist and Bett Gallery, Hobart and Michael Reid, Sydney.

Contemporary Australian art will be celebrated in an exhibition to mark the University of Queensland Art Museum’s 40th birthday in July.

27 June 2016

The University of Queensland is again Australia’s highest-ranking institution on the Nature Index, further strengthening its global reputation as a top-tier research organisation.

21 April 2016
Dr Nasim Amiralian of AIBN.

Fibres from the Australian native spinifex grass are being used to improve latex that could be used to make condoms as thin as a human hair without any loss in strength.

10 February 2016