General Electric executive Mark Hutchinson received an Honorary Doctorate of Business from UQ.

A love of adventure and an enthusiasm for new challenges has led to a diverse career and an honorary doctorate for University of Queensland graduate and General Electric executive Mark Hutchinson.

19 December 2014

All first year students at the University of Technology Sydney could soon be required to take a compulsory maths course in an attempt to give them some numerical thinking skills. The new course would be an elective next year and mandatory in 2016...

18 December 2014

The University of Queensland’s Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation was officially opened at the St Lucia campus in Brisbane today (17 December).

17 December 2014
Efforts to improve the welfare of animals worldwide have netted The University of Queensland graduate, Dr Peter Thornber, the UQ Gatton Gold Medal.

Efforts to improve the welfare of animals worldwide have netted The University of Queensland graduate, Dr Peter Thornber, the UQ Gatton Gold Medal.

17 December 2014
From left to right, back to front: Professor Paul Young HoS Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Associate Professor Martin Crotty HoS History Philosophy, Religion and Classics, Associate Professor John Steen UQ Business School, Associate Professor Susan Rowland School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Dr Janette McWilliam School of History Philosophy, Religion and Classics, Professor Polly Parker UQ Business School and Pro Vice Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) Professor Doune Macdonald

Two University of Queensland lecturers and one teaching program have been named among the country’s best at the 2014 Australian Awards for University Teaching in Canberra last night.

10 December 2014
If you’re at high risk of skin cancer, check your skin regularly. Roman Königshofer/Flickr, CC BY-ND

The earlier you find a cancerous mole, the easier the treatment and the better the outcomes. But it’s not easy distinguishing between harmless, benign moles and those that warrant further attention.

5 December 2014
Students Andrew Thorpe, Bo Daly and Evangelene Dickson inside the media centre at the G20. Photo: Genevieve Worrell.

From reporting on US President Barack Obama’s landmark Brisbane address to analysing politics at the International Media Centre, University of Queensland journalism and communications students had all angles of the G20 covered.

27 November 2014
Mr Hawke ... "the international politics of Asia are being transformed"

Australia is just beginning to gain a deep understanding of China, according to former Prime Minister Bob Hawke.

26 November 2014
Solid Pathways Teacher Mr Jeff Cassidy, Asher Salam, Rikiana Salam, Chloe Salam, Diana Salam

More than 300 high-achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school students are closer to pursuing careers in areas including law, veterinary science and health sciences, thanks to a program launched at The University of Queensland this year.

24 November 2014
UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj joins researchers and industry partners in celebrating their awards.

A University of Queensland-led project that is revolutionising worldwide sewer design and management has won a prestigious national prize celebrating researcher-industry collaboration.

21 November 2014

There was a bit of talk over the last election cycle, expressed in the usual language of political left and right, about returning the pendulum to the “sensible centre”. Sounds a good idea, but what does it mean to be politically central? And where...

17 November 2014
CAI researcher Damion Stimson will use the existing equipment, such as the hot cells (pictured), for research and development of the molecular imaging agents

The University of Queensland’s Centre for Advanced Imaging has received a $2.5 million grant from the Australian Cancer Research Foundation to harness the power of molecular imaging to detect, characterise and monitor cancer.

17 November 2014
Coral is threatened by rising sea temperatures

A decision by G20 leaders to discuss climate change at their meeting in Brisbane this week is good news for the Great Barrier Reef, researchers say.

11 November 2014

Last week, I was one of a sea of Australians who rose to remember Gough Whitlam. Fitting its subject, the Whitlam memorial was sweeping. It was as much a grand story of Australia’s evolution since the war as it was a portrait of the life and legend...

10 November 2014
Greg Poche AO and Kay van Norton Poche have donated $10m to Indigenous health at UQ.

A Poche Centre for Indigenous Health will be established at The University of Queensland, thanks to a $10 million gift from philanthropist Mr Greg Poche AO.

7 November 2014
UQ's top teachers were recognised this week as part of the University's annual Teaching and Learning Week

Outstanding university teachers have been recognised at The University of Queensland’s 2014 Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning ceremony this week.

3 November 2014
The number of patients diagnosed with oesophageal cancer has doubled in the past 20 years and is expected to double again in the next two decades.

Queensland researchers have found that sudden “chromosomal catastrophes” may trigger a third of oesophageal tumours, the fastest rising cancer in Australia.

3 November 2014
UQ’s Dr Radha Ivory will launch her book The Human Rights of Bad Guys in November.

The human rights of corrupt politicians, terrorists and organised criminals are the topic of debate in a new book by University of Queensland academic Dr Radha Ivory.

30 October 2014
Australia won’t be building anything as big as the Gordon Dam any time soon. JJ Harrison/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

The agricultural green paper released last week proposes 27 new water and irrigation projects, which the government claims will be necessary for Australia’s agricultural expansion. The emphasis is firmly on dams, with federal agriculture minister...

30 October 2014
Prince Albert II of Monaco (second from right), with, from left, host Ted Danson and award-winners Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Mrs Caroline Pollock and Dr Sylvia Earle.

A University of Queensland marine scientist’s efforts to reduce the impact of climate change have been honoured by Prince Albert II of Monaco.

14 October 2014