Close to half of UQ’s 2018 funding will go to the Faculty of Medicine, accounting for $20 million across 18 projects.

University of Queensland research into dementia, cancer, superbugs, painkillers, and children’s health are among 51 projects that will benefit from National Health and Medical Research Council 2018 Project Grant funding announced today.

6 December 2017
It's an exciting time in medical discovery, says UQ Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Anton MIddelberg

The National Health and Medical Research Council has awarded six new Research Fellowships at The University of Queensland, and extended funding on another four.

2 September 2014
Professor Jason Mattingley and Professor Bernie Degnan

The University of Queensland has been awarded three prestigious Australian Research Council Australia Laureate Fellowships announced today by Federal Science Minister Kim Carr.

10 August 2011

A study to identify why prolonged sitting could be fatal is one of 16 prestigious national awards and fellowships granted to health and medical researchers at The University of Queensland (UQ).

18 November 2010