Close to half of UQ’s 2018 funding will go to the Faculty of Medicine, accounting for $20 million across 18 projects.

University of Queensland research into dementia, cancer, superbugs, painkillers, and children’s health are among 51 projects that will benefit from National Health and Medical Research Council 2018 Project Grant funding announced today.

6 December 2017
UQ was awarded the second highest number of Discovery Project grants among universities across Australia, underscoring its position as a research powerhouse

University of Queensland researchers have been awarded $32 million for work designed to create positive change across science, health, engineering and the humanities.

10 November 2017
The Nanopatch targets cells in the skin’s outer layers

Efforts to rid the world of polio have taken another significant step, thanks to research led by University of Queensland bioscience experts and funding from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

5 October 2017
Pteropus poliocephalus colony: image Justin Welbergen

Minimising the impact of viruses upon the pig industry is a major objective of a $3.83 million grant to international scientific collaborators, including a team from Queensland.

30 August 2017
Woodland in the Cooloola dunes near Rainbow Beach. Image: Lui Weber

UQ scientists are studying plants' microbial communities, with the aim of improving crop and plant yields. A piece of land on Queensland's Sunshine Coast has proved vital to their quest, with its wide range of species in close proximity, in very...

10 August 2017
Equipment in the laboratory can be used for many functions, including dating ancient human and animal remains

One of the most advanced analytical research laboratories of its kind will be opened to the public on Thursday, 13 July at The University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus.

12 July 2017
UQ is celebrating a lighting technology research partnership with Indian institutes

Enabling children from remote communities to study at night will be one impact of a University of Queensland partnership that has attracted $1 million from the Australian government, and matching funding from India.

20 April 2017
UQ Chancellor Peter Varghese AO, Professor Sarah Derrington (Dean of Law and Head of TC Beirne School of Law), The Honourable Susan Kiefel AC, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia, UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj.

The $35-million renovation of a Brisbane icon – The University of Queensland’s Forgan Smith building – has been officially opened by The Hon Justice Susan Kiefel AC, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia.

14 March 2017
Inaugural Paula and Tony Kinnane Scholar in Residence Tim Munro. Credit: Joe Mazza.

Three-time Grammy award winner and University of Queensland alumnus Tim Munro is set to return to UQ for a two-week residency thanks to a generous bequest from the late Paula and Tony Kinnane.

23 February 2017