Prince Albert II of Monaco (second from right), with, from left, host Ted Danson and award-winners Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Mrs Caroline Pollock and Dr Sylvia Earle.

A University of Queensland marine scientist’s efforts to reduce the impact of climate change have been honoured by Prince Albert II of Monaco.

14 October 2014
Climate change will allow larger waves to travel over reefs deteriorating conditions for less wave tolerant marine life, such as seagrass. Photograph by Tane Sinclair-Taylor

Researchers are struggling to solve the challenge of predicting climate change impacts on marine environments.

24 June 2014

The accolades continue for The University of Queensland’s newest building, with a prestigious green star rating award from the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) this week.

16 May 2014

A free online course on tropical coastal ecosystems is now open to anyone with internet access and high school science knowledge.

24 January 2014