A study by a scholar at The University of Queensland reveals that the ‘green revolution’ advertised by the world’s biggest brands and corporations is misleading consumers.

10 October 2012

A modelling study from an international collaboration involving German, Canadian and Australian scientists has concluded that increasing global temperatures to 2 degrees above pre-industrial global temperatures will be too hot for two thirds of the...

16 September 2012

A University of Queensland scientist is involved in an international collaboration that has proposed a new strategy for marine conservation, which involves unconventional, proactive tactics, in a paper published in Nature Climate Change today.

17 August 2012

The Australian Research Council has awarded Australian Laureate Fellowships to two of The University of Queensland’s brightest stars – marine biologist Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and economist Professor John Quiggin.

30 July 2012

The cost of transforming the world’s energy systems to address rising carbon dioxide levels is little more than one-tenth of one per cent of growth in global gross domestic product per annum, according to a University of Queensland researcher.

8 July 2012

Australia’s influence on international scientific research and innovation was recognised today with ecologist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg of The University of Queensland named one of the world’s top scientists.

30 May 2012
“The visual nature of the project will also help bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and public awareness,” Professor Hoegh-Guldberg

A pioneering scientific expedition that will document the health of coral on the Great Barrier Reef will be undertaken as a joint venture between global technology giant Google, the UQ Global Change Institute, not-for-profit organisation Underwater...

23 February 2012