Eminent coral scientists have given world leaders in Bali more reason to act urgently against climate change, by producing a new report that warns coral reefs will disappear within decades if atmospheric CO2 levels continue to rise.

14 December 2007

Most coral reefs will not survive the predicted rises in global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 emissions that are forecast, marine scientists will reveal tomorrow morning at UQ.

13 December 2007

More than 50 scientists of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies today declared the following statements unanimously:

22 October 2007

An international team of Australian and Israeli researchers has discovered what could be the aphrodisiac for the biggest moonlight sex event on Earth.

18 October 2007

The world’s oceans are becoming more acid, with potentially devastating consequences for corals and the marine organisms that build reefs and provide much of the Earth’s breathable oxygen.

17 October 2007

A new scholarship initiative at The University of Queensland’s Australasian Centre of Excellence will help protect coral reefs around South-East Asia and the Pacific for future generations.

13 July 2007

Using the corals on the Great Barrier Reef as a history book, researchers have linked land use along the coast to decades of declining water quality and poor coral health.

31 May 2007

Australian scientists who contributed to the latest global greenhouse study say the Great Barrier Reef is one of the nation’s great assets most at risk under climate change.

6 April 2007

University of Queensland marine researchers are confident that most of the significant data sets at Heron Island Research Station were backed up when the world-renowned facility was damaged by fire on March 30.

4 April 2007

A mysterious disease is causing the corals of the Great Barrier Reef to kill themselves - and scientists are battling to find out why.

20 March 2007

Australian scientists are throwing new light on the killers responsible for the mass death of corals under global warming.

13 March 2007