a person leans down to pat a large brown dog lying next to their wheelchair

University of Queensland research has revealed a need for better protection for assistance animals and support for their owners facing financial hardship or moving into aged care.

7 February 2023
Dr Theresa Scott and dementia advocate John Quinn discuss the online driver safety test.

University of Queensland researchers are working with people living with dementia to develop an online driver safety test that can be performed by GPs in their surgeries.

5 January 2023
Cartoon image of people sitting on public transport

Researchers from The University of Queensland are recruiting people living with dementia, along with their carers, to help with a study exploring emerging transport technologies.

5 August 2020
Professor Nancy Pachana ... we need to find ways to enhance our functioning and wellbeing in the later decades of life

What is the key to positive and successful ageing? How can society best provide for our greying population?

7 March 2017
Staying mobile via public transport can help with social activities

Stopping driving is linked to depression in older women, but the negative mental effects can be buffered by maintaining social contact and participating in social activities.

21 September 2016
The ability to drive plays a large part of who we are

We spend the majority of our childhood years waiting to do it, and in adulthood we try to hang on for as long as possible before giving it up.

27 June 2016

University of Queensland ageing experts have rejected calls for all older drivers to relinquish their licences.

7 January 2016
Professor Nancy Pachana with her father, Joseph T Pachana

The festive season can provoke positive and negative feelings in people of all ages, but can pose particular challenges for some older people, a University of Queensland expert has warned.

21 December 2015

The cost of electing and employing overconfident people is one of several University of Queensland psychology studies to receive fresh Australian Research Council (ARC) funding.

11 November 2015

A trip to the stunning shores of the Torres Strait Islands has reinforced the need to make a difference to dementia sufferers in even the remotest of locations.

7 April 2015

The Visiting Nursing Service of New York will trial the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI), developed at The University of Queensland (UQ), with older people it provides care to in the Greater New York area.

30 March 2010