The University of Queensland is preparing for an increased uptake in post-graduate legal courses as lawyers, consultants and accountants prepare to implement the Government’s carbon tax scheme, due to take effect in July 2012.

26 July 2011

Research undertaken by legal academics from The University of Queensland suggests that Australia is right to act with caution in dealing with Sharia law.

20 July 2011

A forthcoming UQ Water Law course will use lessons learned from Queensland’s floods as part of an intensive introduction to Australian water resources law and policy.

28 May 2011
Award winners: From left, Lachlan Day, Ruth Grant, Rosalind Meineke, Genevieve Denny, Nicola Stromsoe, Zena Foale-Banks and Meredith Hartigan.

UQ's School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management celebrated the outstanding achievements of its students at its annual Prize Ceremony recently.

3 May 2011
Melissa Bruton with a woma python (Aspidites ramsayi) out in the southern Brigalow Belt of Queensland and New South Wales.

A death adder has a face only a mother could love, but that hasn’t stopped PhD student Melissa Bruton, from the University of Queensland's School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management from getting up close and personal.

3 May 2011
Chemical concoctions:  Students get a fun and practical lesson in chemistry by making slime at UQ’s Open Day.

Australia’s leading research chemists have thrown themselves in the mix when it comes to celebrating the 2011 International Year of Chemistry.

16 March 2011