University of Queensland Science Demo Troupe member Sam Cree uses fiery displays and levitating magnets to share the excitement of science with students.

16 July 2018
We’re in a protracted war against superbugs because we’ve overused existing antibiotics: a key weapon against disease.

We’ve heard a lot lately about superbugs – bacteria that are resistant to current antibiotics. But as the threat of superbugs continues to rise, the number of new treatments available has flatlined. This has placed us dangerously close to the edge...

14 January 2015
The potentially devastating E. coli ST131 superbug

An international study led by The University of Queensland has tracked a potentially devastating multi-drug resistant E. coli strain that is only one gene away from being resistant to almost all antibiotics.

1 April 2014
University of Queensland Emeritus Professor Curt Wentrup this week received recognition for scientific excellence from the Australian Academy of Science.

The Australian Academy of Science has lauded University of Queensland Emeritus Professor Curt Wentrup for his outstanding contributions to chemical research.

22 January 2014
Professor Andrew White, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Høj, Professor Max Lu, Professor David Craik and Professor Matthew Brown

The University of Queensland’s place as a global research leader has been highlighted with today’s announcement that five UQ scientists are among 20 new Australian Academy of Science Fellows for 2013.

27 March 2013

The University of Queensland’s place as a global research leader has been highlighted with today’s announcement that five UQ scientists are among 20 new Australian Academy of Science Fellows for 2013.

27 March 2013

With up to a billion hectares of wilderness likely to be cleared to feed the world in the coming half century and an area the size of China devoured by cities, leading environmental scientists are urging caution over the extent to which lost...

31 July 2012

The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute’s researchers have played a leading role in a recent study into osteoporosis, more than doubling the number of currently known genes in the disease.

27 April 2012

A University of Queensland (UQ) start-up company, Coridon Pty Ltd, established to commercialise Professor Ian Frazer’s work in developing next generation DNA vaccines, has successfully completed pre-clinical efficacy testing of its prototype Herpes...

24 October 2011

The Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) and The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute (UQDI) will further strengthen their research ties with China following the opening in Shanghai today of a joint laboratory dedicated to exploring how genes...

2 August 2011

A cancer genomics facility set to revolutionise cancer research will be unveiled at The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute (UQDI) on Tuesday, July 19.

15 July 2011

A new treatment for ‘superbugs’ could be developed in Australia after a University of Queensland researcher received $5 million in funding to modify an existing antibiotic.

23 May 2011
New results from NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer and the Anglo-Australian Telescope atop Siding Spring Mountain in Australia confirm that dark energy (represented by purple grid) is a smooth, uniform force that now dominates over the effects of gravity (green grid). Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

An Australian-based astronomy team, co-led by Professor Michael Drinkwater from the School of Mathematics and Physics (SMP) at The University of Queensland (UQ), has shown that the mysterious ‘dark energy’ is indeed real and not a mistake in...

19 May 2011

The Human Genetics team at The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute have successfully used a new gene-mapping approach for patients affected by severe skeletal abnormalities.

4 May 2011

The University of Queensland topped the nation in the prestigious Australian Research Council Future Fellowships announced today, being awarded 31 fellowships worth a total of more than $22 million.

17 November 2010
UQ’s top teachers were presented with their awards at Customs House this week

A DIVERSE group of academics united by a passion for teaching was last night recognised at the 2010 University of Queensland Excellence in Teaching & Learning Awards.

2 November 2010