A range of University of Queensland experts is available to comment on issues around the Federal Budget. Journalists can search by topic or name at UQ Experts or contact the following experts.

10 May 2017

A leading Australian university will collaborate with one of Indonesia’s largest national universities to examine the way laws and informal processes deal with community conflict in Indonesia.

7 March 2013

Countries intervening in each others’ conflicts, and the problems of delivering aid programs amid domestic crises, are some of the issues explored in a special edition of a leading international relations journal.

24 January 2013

Can a little bird tell us who will win in Ashgrove? Analysis of Twitter streams can provide clues to electoral outcomes, according to University of Queensland Masters research student Frances Manfield.

21 March 2012

The School of Political Science and International Studies has won funding for two separate research projects in the UWA-UQ Bilateral Research Collaboration Awards.

28 October 2011

Internationally renowned experts in international relations, political science and security studies will come together at UQ to mark the 10th anniversary of the Al Qaeda attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

23 August 2011

ANZAC Day is a proud and solemn occasion for many Australians, but the event shouldn’t be taken out of context.

22 April 2010