A team from the UQ School of Psychology examined moral reasoning in children aged 10 and under.

Question: when is a chicken more important than a sick person? Answer: when you’re four years old, according to research from The University of Queensland.

31 May 2018

Children may have a greater understanding of how to innovate and problem solve than previously realised.

4 September 2017
Children have a strong propensity for fairness

Children as young as seven have the same capacity as adults to make judgements on the anti-social behaviour of others.

9 August 2017
Countries accounting for around 85 per cent of the world’s population are largely overlooked

Lack of diversity in psychological research is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, according to an Australian academic.

13 June 2017

Patients at risk of life-threatening infections following chemotherapy could benefit from a new cell-based treatment developed from University of Queensland research.

6 December 2016
Rugby league player Johnathan Thurston

In the wake of winning the first match of this year’s State of Origin series, Queensland rugby league maestro Johnathan Thurston advised students from Cape York to prioritise their education.

2 June 2016
Chances are they aren’t copying it from you.

That cute thing your newborn is doing that you’ve been telling everyone about… Chances are they aren’t copying it from you.

6 May 2016

A collaborative research project aimed at discovering a drug to treat a highly resistant form of breast cancer is one of two projects given the green light by the Queensland Emory Development (QED) Alliance.

7 November 2013