This map shows the wide-spread contribution to the ENIGMA consortium, and involves neuroimaging and genetic information from both normal populations and cohorts with a variety of disorders.

Brisbane researchers are part of an international team that has identified genetic variants that influence the structure of the brain – potentially helping determine the genetics underlying neurological diseases.

22 January 2015
The youth justice forum panel featured, from left, Youth Advocacy Centre Director Janet Wright, barrister Jann Taylor, Griffith University criminal justice researcher April Chrzanowski, Royal Children's Hospital Child and Youth Mental Health Service Clinical Director Dr Stephen Stathis, and Paul Barclay, host of Radio National's Big Ideas program

Tonight’s Radio National broadcast of a University of Queensland forum is expected to spark community debate on State Government proposals for harsher sentencing of young offenders.

28 October 2013

An Australian research team is part of an international consortium awarded a prestigious Human Frontier Science Program grant to study the inheritance of mental abilities.

25 May 1998