The award winners at Customs House in Brisbane this evening

The University of Queensland’s annual Teaching and Learning Awards have tonight celebrated excellence, creativity and innovation.

28 October 2019

UQ School of Tourism Senior Lecturer Dr Lisa Ruhanen and graduate Ms Leonie Bowles have joined forces to research best practices in ecotourism on behalf of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO).

1 May 2012
Leonie Bowles

When in Spain, do as the Spanish do. It's a principle Leonie Bowles is sticking to, allowing her to immerse herself in the country's history and culture, while learning to speak the language fluently.

13 August 2010

Paul Singh has gone from wondering why to actually trying to find the answers.

7 July 2010
PhD student Ann Suwaree Ashton, Associate Professor Brent Ritchie and lecturer and postgraduate coursework coordinator Dr Lisa Ruhanen

The University of Queensland put its best foot forward at a leading national tourism education conference, with researchers taking out three major awards and supplying the body’s new chair.

4 March 2010

UQ Tourism lecturer Lisa Ruhanen departs Ipswich for Madrid on Sunday as part of an international effort to rebuild tourism in tsunami-afflicted regions.

28 February 2005