A gloved hand holds a petri dish with the CBD molecular structure drawn on the lid.

Synthetic cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has been shown for the first time to kill the bacteria responsible for gonorrhoea, meningitis and legionnaires disease.

20 January 2021
Professor David Abramson: "The award is really a tribute to ... the Genomics Virtual Lab team."

The director of The University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre has been named the iTnews Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.

23 February 2016
Vice-Chancellor Professor Deborah Terry discussed UQ's suite of biofuels research with the US Navy's Director for Operational Energy, Chris Tindal, and the AIBN director, Professor Peter Gray (right).

THE United States Navy’s Director for Operational Energy today visited The University of Queensland for discussions on UQ’s world-leading biofuels research.

6 February 2012
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Max Lu

The University of Queensland will receive $33.32 million in federal government research funding through 94 successful Australian Research Council Discovery Projects grants announced yesterday.

26 October 2010