A microscopic view of brain organoids

A first-of-its-kind brain organoid grown at The University of Queensland has helped researchers identify therapies that reduce the impact of COVID-19 on people with Down syndrome.

6 June 2024
Researchers hold up the battery with a pair of tweezers

Faster-charging and more sustainable batteries with a life up to three times greater than lithium ion are being built with technology developed at The University of Queensland.

23 April 2021
Mosquito sucking blood from human hand

A global health organisation and state-of-the-art laboratory at The University of Queensland are collaborating to support the development and evaluation of point-of-care diagnostics for malaria with new custom-made proteins.

15 March 2021

Locally made coronavirus proteins produced in a state-of-the-art laboratory in Brisbane are proving highly useful in a sophisticated blood test for COVID-19.

9 November 2020
Associate Professor Jess Mar in the lab at The University of Queensland’s Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology

Australian and US researchers have developed a way to discover elusive cancer-promoting genes, and have already identified one that appears to promote aggressive breast cancers.

8 March 2019
Clostridium autoethanogenum was originally discovered in rabbit droppings

The average person might struggle to get excited about bacterium found in rabbit droppings – but it’s potentially a knight in shining armour for our planet.

28 July 2017
Professor David Abramson: "The award is really a tribute to ... the Genomics Virtual Lab team."

The director of The University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre has been named the iTnews Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.

23 February 2016
Dr Nasim Amiralian of AIBN.

Fibres from the Australian native spinifex grass are being used to improve latex that could be used to make condoms as thin as a human hair without any loss in strength.

10 February 2016
Research shows Botox travels to our central nervous system

New research might bring a frown to even the most heavily botoxed faces, with scientists finding how some of the potent toxin used for cosmetic surgery escapes into the central nervous system.

16 April 2015

A rare disease discovered at The University of Queensland gave an Australian family a diagnosis for their son’s mystery illness, and is now the subject of a new book, Cracking the Code.

30 March 2015
Wild polio strains are running rampant in some poorer countries. Image: www.polioeradication.org

Vaccine technology being developed at The University of Queensland could hold the key to completely eradicating polio, by removing live virus from the vaccine production process.

13 November 2014
UQ was awarded a total of 77 health and medical research grants today

Australia’s first Centre of Research Excellence in Chronic Kidney Disease will be established at The University of Queensland with a $2.5 million grant announced today.

17 October 2014

The University of Queensland is playing a part in a clinical trial of the only known effective treatment for humans exposed to Hendra virus.

1 November 2013

Medical student Jiang He is part of an emerging link between his Chinese university and The University of Queensland.

18 September 2013
UQ's Dr Amir Popat is a Young Nanoscience Ambassador and will visit schools next year to promote science and research.

Science and research are not just for doctors and professors in white lab coats, if Amir Popat has his way.

8 November 2012

A University of Queensland invention that will deliver vaccines without the need for needles has struck a significant partnership with US-based pharmaceutical giant Merck, announced today.

9 October 2012

UQ scientists are pressing ahead with development of two advanced vaccines that stand to save the Queensland cattle industry more than $340 million a year.

18 July 2012

Chronic pain relief, the employment aspirations of recently-arrived refugees, urban water use and improved animal production are among new research projects announced today in which The University of Queensland and industry partners will collaborate.

30 June 2012
AIBN Director Professor Peter Gray.

An international collaboration involving the development of next-generation of smart medicines in Brisbane has received a boost, with $485,000 in State Government funding

19 June 2012

Development of stem cell research for treating human cells damaged through injury, disease or ageing has taken a step forward in Queensland.

19 June 2012