UQ researchers are calling for a greater ADHD focus earlier

University of Queensland researchers are calling for a greater focus on addressing common mental disorders in children to avoid a potential ‘tsunami’ of long-term issues in adulthood.

10 October 2016
Professor Ken Ho

Innovative research into Alzheimer’s, brain development, pituitary medicine, cystic fibrosis and mental health has led to five University of Queensland academics being named Fellows of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS).

7 October 2016
Stand Up Victoria was among the first large cluster randomised controlled trials of its kind

A program encouraging office workers to stand up, sit less and move more has significantly reduced sitting time among participating public servants.

24 August 2016
Dr Veerman is encouraging people to incorporate physical activity into daily life, making it a habit rather than a chore

Researchers are calling for a major boost to physical activity recommendations, with a new study linking more weekly exercise to a reduced risk of five common diseases.

10 August 2016
Cholesterol in cells

University of Queensland research has revealed how fats – including cholesterol – could increase the progression of aggressive cancers.

8 August 2016
World health authorities estimate antimicrobial resistant superbugs will kill 10 million people a year by 2050.

University of Queensland researchers are leading an international effort to slow the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant superbugs forecast to kill more people than cancer by 2050.

29 July 2016

A pilot program aimed at stemming antibiotic resistance has successfully reduced prescribing rates among participating doctors.

24 June 2016

Money might not guarantee happiness, but it could buy you physical health in older age, new University of Queensland research shows.

24 February 2016