A line of people in suits sitting in chairs holding pieces of paper

People from minority groups who speak with ‘non-standard’ accents face discrimination in job interviews, researchers from The University of Queensland have found.

24 November 2022
A bearded man in a short and high vis vest sits with his head bowed in a factory.

A University of Queensland study is investigating the issues around employee disclosure of medical conditions in the workplace, with a particular emphasis on military veterans.

29 September 2022
A woman in glasses sits at a desk in a home office looking worried.

Researchers from The University of Queensland have found the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia has had a greater financial and psychological impact on women than men.

23 August 2022
Student Eloise Crouch is given a software tutorial.

A more than $500 million software grant from Siemens will give University of Queensland students and researchers access to advanced technology, building their skills in digital and data driven industries.

12 November 2018