A man looks through tall grassy plant stalks in a room with pink lighting

Artificial intelligence could hold the key to feeding 10 billion people by 2050 in the face of climate change and rapidly evolving pests and pathogens according to researchers at The University of Queensland.

11 August 2023

The University of Queensland has secured more than $9 million from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Research program to support a more productive and sustainable agriculture sector in Australia.

31 July 2023
close up view of a microscope and its lenses

Dozens of mid and early-career University of Queensland researchers have been awarded funding from the Australian Research Council (ARC).

21 September 2022
Hand holding chickpea seeds. Supplied by Dr Rajeev Varshney

A massive international research effort has led to development of a genetic model for the ‘ultimate’ chickpea, with the potential to lift crop yields by up to 12 per cent.

11 November 2021

Researchers are taking to the skies to help see what is happening underground in a new project that aims to improve one of Australia’s largest grain crops - barley.

6 July 2021
UQ Research Award winners 2019

The University of Queensland has shined a spotlight on its outstanding researchers at the 2019 Research Week awards.

18 September 2019
Dr Lee Hickey in the speed crop breeding lab

Plant speed breeding could be part of the solution to minimise the devastating effects of drought and climate change on crops in the future, according to a University of Queensland researcher.

19 November 2018

Six University of Queensland scientists featured among 14 Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Award winners lauded at a ceremony last night.

21 September 2018
Milky Way

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a university with some of the world’s leading experts on issues such as space travel, porg evolution, and emotion-grabbing music.

3 May 2018
Dr Lee Hickey

NASA experiments to grow wheat in space were the inspiration for University of Queensland scientists to develop the world’s first ‘speed breeding’ procedures here on planet Earth.

2 January 2018

Researchers from The University of Queensland have discovered that a key gene which controls flowering time in wheat and barley crops also directs the plant’s root growth.

4 December 2017
Science Minister Leeanne Enoch and Dr Lee Hickey

Grain research technology that will help combat food shortages stemming from climate change and a burgeoning world population have helped a young researcher claim the title of Advance Queensland Young Tall Poppy Scientist of the Year.

14 August 2017

Scientists from The University of Queensland are undertaking world-first research into ancient wheats to ensure the crop’s future.

29 March 2016
PhD student Hannah Robinson

In a world first, researchers from The University of Queensland have identified a key gene in barley that enables the plant to access water stored deep in the soil during droughts.

28 October 2015

Eating organically grown food might make you feel good inside, but a University of Queensland researcher says organic agriculture is not necessarily sustainable and— contrary to popular belief — often relies on chemical sprays.

25 August 2015
A UQ team has identified the elusive bread-quality gene.

Australian farmers can look forward to growing a boutique, high-yield wheat that is adapted to local conditions – and among the best in the world for making bread.

27 May 2015
Go on a virtual dinosaur hunt with the School of Biological Sciences Senior Lecturer Dr Steve Salisbury’s twitter feed.  Photo: Josie Fraser

The University of Queensland attracts top academic minds from across the globe, but how does their genius translate to 140 characters or less? To celebrate @UQ_News reaching 13,000 twitter followers, UQ is sharing a list of some of its most engaging...

30 April 2015
Wheat growing in Cecile Richard's clear-plastic pots

A University of Queensland scientist has developed a method to help grain growers become more resilient to expected changes in climate.

9 April 2015
Dr Lee Hickey, from UQ’s Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, has helped identify a fast way of developing a new strain of wheat that is resistant to stripe rust and pre-harvest sprouting.

University of Queensland scientists have discovered a fast way to develop a new strain of wheat that is resistant to stripe rust and pre-harvest sprouting.

11 September 2013
The University of Queensland’s Dr Lee Hickey and research team have discovered a gene that provides resistance to leaf rust in some barley variety adult plants.

An international study led by a Queensland scientist has found a way to better safeguard the world’s beer supplies.

5 August 2013